Theater Portfolio...
Performance dansée
Dancing Performance
2021, le 12 mars
DEUST production
Direction : Caroline Grosjean
En soutien au mouvement politique né en France pendant l’épidémie du Covid 19, pour l’extension des droits sociaux, nous avons présenté une performance dansée devant le Centre Dramatique National de Besançon. Nous avons écrit sur nos 20 ans, nos émotions, nos ressentis que nous avons pu mettre en mouvements.
In support to the political action born in France during pandemia, for the social rights extension, we made a dancing performance about our 20 years old. We each wrote texts about our feelings, and performed in front of the CDN in Besançon.
That was the first time we produced ourself, as a group, in front of an audience. That was really stirring.
Lien vers notre performance / Link to our performance : (1) performance DEUST place Lagarce 12/03/2021 - YouTube
Photo de / by Tom Rohrer